Architecture has the opportunity to combine  client, creativity, and construction into a built form responsive to its location. Architecture can enrich daily life and act as a catalyst to enhance a connected community.

Since gaining my B.Arch. at Victoria University Wellington, I have had over 14 years’ working experience.    I  started my   career   at  Athfield  Architects  in  Wellington  before travelling and working overseas  in architecture  practices in London and  Queensland  before  returning  to  NZ.

SA Studio Ltd was founded in 2018 and is based in Cromwell, Central Otago. I have a strong affiliation with Central Otago, the community and the landscape it encompasses.

I have completed projects in residential, hospitality, small scale commercial and adaptive heritage architecture.

I am passionate that buildings should be energy, space, and cost efficient  as well as making you smile!


Jessie Sutherland

NZRAB Registered Architect

B.Arch. (1st class hons),

Victoria University Wellington

NZIA Member